Got Work Worries? Smart Business Security Can Help.

Picture of Jack Grant
Jack Grant

Founder and Co-owner

Do you worry often about your business? Of course you do. You’re the one in charge. You have customers, employees, balance sheets, and big plans. Worries come with the territory.

However, worrying too much can hurt your business. When work worries pile up, your peace of mind and productivity go downhill. It can cost you time and money. New research estimates that business owners lose an average of 44 minutes every working day to work worries. That’s 24 entire workdays every year. If you value your time at $50 per hour, it’s nearly $10,000 annually.

The good news is that most business owners get better at managing work worries over time. You can too—especially with new technology like smart business security on your side. for Business versus Work Worries

Smart business security makes your work worries easier to manage. It protects your business, helps you save time and money, and gives you more control and awareness of what’s going on. With for Business on your team, it’s easy to address and even fix several of the most common work worries:

  • Security worries: Unlike old security systems that only work after something bad happens, for Business protects your people, premises and inventory around the clock.
  • Waste worries: Smart Thermostats help you keep energy bills under control with an easy Away mode that turns down your heating and cooling automatically when no one’s there.

  • “What’s happening” worries: With smart business security cameras giving you a direct line of sight to your business, it’s easy to see what goes on when you’re not there.
  • Time worries: With smartphone control at your fingertips and new solutions to everyday problems—like our keyless access control solution— makes it easier to get more done

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